Monday, June 9, 2008

Thicker Skin

This post is being made 4 days after one of the crazier days where an artist was thrown into a lesson that helped them evolve once again. I shall grow gracefully (after cooling down the pain of shedding some skin) and will now share this in the rest of my work. Thank You to my friends who listen, encourage and believe in me and my work.

This is the piece that was the primary and ending factor :

What do you guys think?


Unknown said...

This is both very strange and very cool. Kind of like you. Actually, the girl in the bridle reminds me of the "outfit" you had on when I brought Tom over for the first time in Miami. Remember?

Timb said...

i love it love it love it!

Anonymous said...

LOl, I love the new style. Go go you. Send me an email when you can. Todd